Thermo Multiskan Ascent Microplate Reader


Multiskan Ascent 96/384 Plate Reader
With Ascent Software, and User Manuals

Multiskan Ascent offers superior photometric measurement performance for 96- and 384-well plates. This instrument reads the plate rapidly and can be connected to robotic systems for increased throughput in photometric reading.

  •     Excellent optical performance with 96- and 384-well plates
  •     Fast measurements
  •     Easy and flexible robot integration
  •     Optional incubator  

Excellent optical performance for 96- and 384-well plates

The high-quality optical system of the Multiskan Ascent ensures excellent reproducibility, accuracy and reliable results. The unit is linear up to an outstanding 4 Abs. units with 96-well plates and up to 3 Abs. units with 384-well plates, eliminating the need to dilute samples. This saves time in obtaining sample results.

A recent validation study in a high-throughput (HTS) environment with 384-well plates showed excellent consistency of the signal across all wells in the plate (low intraplate variation). No bias was observed in the IC50 as a result of curves being set up in different parts of the plate or between two separate plates (interplate variation). A good correlation was also observed in two different experiments using the same group of compounds (low interassay variation).

Fast measurements

Multiskan Ascent provides not only extreme accuracy and precision, but also very rapid measurements: It takes only 9 seconds to measure a 96-well plate and only 20 seconds to measure a 384-well plate. These values can have a noticeable effect on a laboratory’s throughput.

Easy and flexible robot integration

Another feature that makes Multiskan Ascent ideal for high-throughput environments is its simple and easy robot integration. This unit is designed for integration, which can increase walk-away reading capacity to 20 or 80 microplates.

Optional incubation

An optional internal incubator can be included for assays requiring temperature control. Temperature can reach up to 50°C.

Optical performance
Wavelength range     340 nm -850 nm
Filters     8-position filter wheel with 405, 450, 490
and 630nm or filters of choice
Half bandwidth of filters     3-9 nm
Wavelength accuracy     +/- 2 nm
Detector     One silicon photo detector
Linearity (96-well plate)     0-4 Abs, +/- 2 %
0-3 Abs, +/- 2 %, 340 nm and 405 nm
0-3 Abs, +/- 2 % with continuous mode
Linearity (384-well plate)     0-3 Abs, +/- 2 %
0-2 Abs, +/- 2 % with continuous mode
Read-out range     0-6 Abs
Resolution     0.001 Abs
Accuracy     +/- 1 % or 0.003 Abs, whichever is greater (0-2 Abs)
+/- 2 % (2-3 Abs)
Precision     CV < 0.2 % (0-3 Abs),
CV < 1.0 % (3-4 Abs) stepping mode
CV < 0.3 % (0-2 Abs),
CV < 1.2 % (2-3 Abs) continuous mode
Measurement time     96-well plate     384-well plate
Continuous mode     9 s                      20 s
Stepping mode     14 s                    42 s
Optional incubation
Temperature range     Ambient + 4°C - 50°C
Uniformity     +/- 0.8°C across the plate
Shaking     Linear shaking , 3 speeds

More Information
SKU G134
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